Called to Be a Mom!

This is the quote that God used to get my attention. I have been struggling lately with where my place is. I have been spending countless days praying, seeking where God wants to use me. His answer, 'be a mom.' 

In a world where stay-at-home moms tend to be looked down upon as lazy or someone who doesn't work, there are times when we moms can allow ourselves to feel less than what we are. I am finding that the reason the enemy attacks moms so hard is because our job is so important. We are responsible to mold these tiny people. We are to pour the love of Jesus into them through word and action. However, when we are worn-out, overwhelmed, and feeling less than valued, we begin to neglect ourselves. It is impossible for us to pour anything into our children if we fail to have it in ourselves. 

The reality of how important my role is struck me really hard this week. I knew that being their primary educator was important. I knew that loving them was important, but my children need more than that. They need a mom that they see seeking after Jesus. They need to hear me pray and cry out to God on the good days and the bad. 
They need to know that before anything else, I start my day by seeking His approval. I work for my Heavenly Father. He has employed me and entrusted these beautiful babies to me. I must seek to honor Him by being a good steward of what He has given me. I must raise them and love them the way He directs me to.
In order to do that I must take time to seek Him and His ways. I must spend time communicating with Him, reading His word, searching for His truth. 
The world may say that I am just a stay-at-home mom. They may think that what I do doesn't matter. The enemy will use their word to try and destroy my resolve, my motivation, and steal my joy. I have got to remember that He chose me! He loves me! He has placed me here 'for such a time as this!' In order for me to remember this and rest in this, I need to be reminded of this everyday! So, everyday I will seek Him and His will and direction for me and my family! 

I have been called by the Most High God to be a mom! This is not a job that I will take lightly anymore! I love this quote by Elisabeth Elliot. It is my declaration today:


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