"Best Laid Plans..."
I was so excited about school this week. I had such adorable ideas for rowing "We're Going On A Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen.
I went to the Dollar Tree and bought things to make a sensory table like the ones you see on Pinterest!
I enlisted the help of Daddy T and his creativity to assist me in the constructing of the sensory table!
I went to the Dollar Tree and bought things to make a sensory table like the ones you see on Pinterest!
I enlisted the help of Daddy T and his creativity to assist me in the constructing of the sensory table!
He was great! He turned a shoe box into the cutest house. He even water colored the sequence cards that I found as a free printable on Sparkle Box.
I think they both turned out adorable! I must tell you, these projects, along with the others for the sensory table, took us 2 days to complete! Everything turned out precious. Next time, I will remember to take a picture of the completed table before the children play on it!
It was worth it! The giggles that this picture failed to capture were priceless! These 2 kiddos played for over an hour! I learned some very valuable lessons this week:
1. Pinterest projects, though cute, take mass amounts of time to complete!
2. Pinterest projects require pictures of the finished projects before the children (or cats) touch them.
3. Faux snow from the Dollar Tree sticks to EVERYTHING!
4. My hubby loves me and our children so much! He spent his entire weekend helping to make our learning fun.
5. Sometimes plans fail!
It was worth all the time spent to see the kiddos enjoying the table on Tuesday, and I couldn't wait for the other fun projects that I had planned. However, as Robert Burns states so clearly, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
The rest of the week was a bust in the school department. The weather change dramatically and with that came sinus congestion, cranky people, and a migraine headache.
Our new 'plans' are to use the short week next week to complete our adventures! Hopefully, I can share the rest of our fun with you!
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