"It All Begins With The ABCs!"

I love writing and sharing our life and homeschooling journey here in my little space. However, sometimes writer's block happens and I have a hard time thinking of what to write about. Recently I was chatting with some of my friends and crew-mates over at the Homeschool Review Crew and we thought it would be fun to blog through the alphabet. 

I have decided to write about my ABCs of thankfulness as a mom and wife! So often it easy for me to complain about the frustrations of life, the hard parts of school, the never ending piles of laundry and dishes..... I think it is part of my journey to Simplifying (see my One Word post for more on that) to just learn to be thankful everyday! 

I pray that this is an encouragement!

My crew-mates and I would love for you to join us! You can read all about it, the rules, and grab the button to link up with us by clicking the link below! 

A Net In Time Schooling

The fun starts next week, January 17th!!!


  1. I can always use reminders to be more thankful, so I'm looking forward to reading your posts each week.

    I'm also linking up at Blogging Through the Alphabet, focusing on Bible verses.


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