The Pencil Grip, Inc. -Thin Stix Review
The Crunchy Kiddos and I were so excited to receive a set of Thin Stix 6pk of Classic Colors by The Pencil Grip, Inc. to review! We reviewed their Kwik Stix last year and loved them. Popper had actually asked me then if there were any that were thinner. Who knew that a year later he would get a set to try!

Thin Stix are solid tempura paint sticks. The kiddos say that they have the same feel as a glue stick. They are thinner than the original which allows for more detailed painting, which Popper was absolutely pleased to find out! My favorite part is that they dry in 90 seconds and are almost completely mess free! That means no paint shirts, no newspaper protected surfaces, no prep or clean-up! I love that on those days when I am not in the mood for the creativity to take over my house, I can still say yes to painting. My kiddos love the freedom they have to create almost anytime! I know it sounds a bit cliche, but it really is a sanity saver in our home.
I always remind my kiddos that they have to use Thin Stix carefully. Brother Bear and Sister have a tendency to press too hard and crush the paints. It makes them very upset when that happens so I make it a point to remind them each time. I also remind my kiddos that the paint stays on the paper.
I decided to use Thin Stix the first day while we were listening to an audio book. I thought it would be a great way for them to keep hands busy and listen to the book. I had secretly hoped for pictures that went along with the book we were listening to about early US History, but I did not give instructions for them to do so.
Here are the works of art that were created during that time:
Popper has really been enjoying all our readings lately. He created a picture of the Mayflower and the Pilgrims that were aboard.
Sister was sad when she heard what her brothers had created. "Mommy, mine isn't anything about the book. I didn't know." I assured her that there was no rules that it had to be. She explained that her picture is of her and her cousin flying in a butterfly machine to the top of a building to see inside.
I think all the kiddos did a fabulous job on their artwork! They really enjoyed the new Thin Stix and the freedom to paint. We used them mainly during free art and audio book time. There were several works of art created during the last few weeks. I decided to let the children pick a their favorites to showcase for you! Below are the ones that they chose to share:
These are a great addition to any classroom that wants to allow kiddos to paint and be creative, but doesn't want the mess. We love our Thin Stix 6pk of Classic Colors. There are several different sizes and color combinations available on The Pencil Grip, Inc.'s website. We have already begun making a a wish list for our next purchase!
You can connect with The Pencil Grip, Inc. online:
Other members of the Crew received a set Thin Stix as well. You can read how they used them in their homes by clicking the link below:

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