Can Do Cubes- A TOS Review

Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar Review

When Brother Bear started learning to read, we were blessed with the ability to review ABeCeDarian. However, it was not as hands-on as we would have liked. Recently, the Crew was given another amazing opportunity in the form of Can Do Cubes by just2ducks LLC.  This is a multi-sensory synthetic phonics by Debbie Hepplewhite. I thought these would be a great addition to what we were using by providing Brother Bear a supplement with more hands-on learning with our current phonics program!

I was in shock when box day arrived! This is a full blown curriculum, and it is amazing! While we were already several lessons into the other program with Brother Bear, I am super excited to get to try this with Sister when her time comes.  I am in love with the way this phonics program is laid out! 
We received the Can Do Cubes for Synthetic Phonics Starter Set. It came with:
*Phonics Charts 
*Word Charts
*A DVD "Teaching, learning and 'sounding out'"With Debbie Hepplewhite 
*CD Rom Teacher's Guide and Template Book
*Stage 1 and Stage 2 Handbooks
*Online PDFs of templates and worksheets for printing
*2 trays of laser engraved wooden phonics blocks for Stage 1 and 2
       -Stage 1 has 27 cubes that teach basic alphabetic code
       -Stage 2 has 30 cubes plus 2 cubes connected with a string to              help teach split diagraphs.
There are also include both capital letter and punctuation cubes. 

Let me just say these are not your normal phonics blocks. I was impressed with how clean the looked! I found out that they are laser engraved. There is a line below the letter. I used it to help Brother Bear learn how to write the letters on the lined paper. The cubes were also very smooth, no rough spots or splinters. Overall, they are very high quality letter cubes! 

I was beyond impressed with this set!!!

Here is how we used them! Brother Bear needed a more hands on way of practicing spelling his words. These were our go-to letter blocks. He loved them! His favorite was that there were different letters on each side and he could turn the block to make new words!

 Brother Bear was very excited to have blocks to use instead of the magnets. These blocks have several of the same letters. This allowed him to spell words like, 'pop,' 'mom,' and 'dad.'  I began to see his confidence build with learning to read using these cubes!

Sister stole Brother Bear's chair one day for her shot at learning too! Even though she isn't completely ready to start learning to read. These Can Do Cubes have helped to start that spark of curiosity and interest in her! I love it! ( I should probably get ready. I don't think she is far behind on being ready!)

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There were several other Crew members that enjoyed reviewing this as well, and all of us use things so differently! Check out their reviews by clicking the link below:

Can Do Cubes


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