ARTistic Pursuits Inc. A TOS Review

 The kiddos and I have really been enjoying ARTistic Pursuits Inc.'s K-3 Book 1. As I may have mentioned before, I am art illiterate! I can draw stick people and that is about all. However, Daddy T has so lovingly passed on his love of art and artistic talent to our crunchy kiddos! 
When I was given the chance to review Artistic Pursuits, I knew this would help me be able to actually teach the kiddos art. We received K-3 Book 1.

When I saw all the different mediums that the kiddos were going to get to use, I got excited. I made a list of the ones that we didn't already have and off to Hobby Lobby I went. I bought the materials needed to complete through lesson 14. I knew that would require me to make another trip in the future, but I wanted each of the kiddos to have their very own brushes and pencils so my 1st trip cost me a little more than I had anticipated! 

We had never even heard of watercolor crayons. Imagine my surprise at how much we all loved them! The kiddos were excited to try a new medium. They created some really great masterpieces using their new found love. Of course, Daddy T jumped right in with them. He never passes on a chance to create!

Here is a sample of their watercolor artwork:

This book is split into 3 different groups: What Artists Do, What Artists See, and Where We Find Art. 
We started on the What Artists Do group of lessons. We chose to complete our lessons 2 days per week. Each lesson started with a statement about what artists do: compose, imagine, look, etc. Then there was a famous painting that the kiddos were able to  look at and learn about that went along with the statement.We would work through this on Tuesdays. Then on Thursdays the kiddos had a project to complete that helped them put the above statement into practice. 
For example, below we were taught that artists look. This challenged the kiddos to look for things that they could draw. I paired it with a nature walk. I thought it was a great time for them to be aware and really look around them. They collected some treasures on our walk. I chose to let them complete this project once we got home so that our treasures didn't get wilted on us. 
Their project was to sketch what they had seen and collected on our walk.
I think they did a pretty good job:

This book has been helpful in allowing me to teach our kiddos art. I am able to teach them to appreciate beautiful paintings and let them use new mediums to create their own! Daddy T is really looking forward to the projects using clay! He has been begging me to let them skip ahead to Lesson 23 to begin. I think we have all really enjoyed learning art together. I know that I have enjoyed how easy it is to teach them art as I learn along side them!

You can find ARTistic Pursuits on Facebook.

You can find more reviews about different levels by the Crew by clicking below:

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Review


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