I'm Back!

Oh, how I have missed the land of internet! I have so much to share. Things are crazy busy in my house and changes are coming...

First, I have been very busy planning and prepping for our structured school days to start. We break into a more lax approach of art, reading, and field trips during the summer time. This past week I have been praying and researching and praying and searching, looking for curriculum for the kiddos. More on that in a future post.
Second, we have found a house! Yeah!!! It is still a rental situation, but praise God it has a yard. Also, in His perfect timing and ways, it has 3 bedrooms, 1/2 bath, 1 car garage, a fenced back yard, and it is going to be less than we are currently paying! I am so very excited! We will be moving in a couple of months.
Third, my sister has moved closer! After living out-of-state for 3 years, it's nice to have her back. My kids have taken up with their Auntie quite nicely! (I think they know that she will be one to spoil them!)
Lastly, I have accomplished some major goals in my home. I have started purchasing the dirty dozen all organic. I have begun only buying grass-fed, free range meats (no pork)! I have started making our bread. This week we are making the switch to raw cow's milk and cheese! I love that my family is eating healthier. I am making these changes a little at a time. The kids haven't seemed to mind eating healthier. Also, Daddy T has even started to read the labels on everything!

I am so excited to be reconnected again! I have missed being able to write about life.

Have a blessed day!



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